CR Series Crystallizers

CR Series Crystallizer

Convert Amorphous PET to Usable Crystalline Material

With the increased use of PET in plastic processing, the efficient use of amorphous regrind material is critical. A Conair Crystallizing System allows you to convert amorphous PET to a crystalline state that then can be dried. The drying can occur at elevated temperatures to obtain low moisture levels without the fear of agglomeration.

The Conair Crystallizing System consists of a high temperature heat source, an insulated hopper with an agitator and a rotary discharge valve. This equipment can be easily integrated with other material handling equipment.

Continuous, automatic operation

Automatic monitoring of the temperature inside the hopper ensures a reliable output of high-quality crystallized material.

A configuration to meet your needs

Use in-line crystallizing for direct discharge into your processing or batch processing for storage of the crystallized material to re-use at a later time.

Agitating hopper prevents agglomeration

The combination of the agitator blades and stationary bars in the CR Series Crystallizers provide constant tumbling of the material breaking apart any clumps that may form and preventing agglomeration during processing.

CR Series Crystallizers Product Resources

Model Comparison