MedLine® MedVac Vacuum Sizing Tanks
Absolutely Consistent Dimensional ControlMedline® MedVac flood-cooling sizing tanks are uniquely designed to meet the specialized process needs of medical tubing manufacturers. Ensures optimum product quality.
HTMP Series Multi-Pass Tanks
Save Space, Eliminate Stretch and Tighten TolerancesHTMP multi-pass tanks accommodate tight space demands for high rate tubing production while precisely cooling and metering the product.
MT Vacuum Sizing Tanks
Water/Air Separation Ensures Vacuum StabilityConair MT Series vacuum sizing tanks provide stable vacuum for precise sizing of tube and profile extrusions up to 4.5 inches {114.3 mm} in diameter.
MSBHI Series Water Spray Tanks
Keyhole Tank Design: Minimizes Plumbing / Enhances FlowConair MSBHI Series cooling tanks produce a high-pressure spray that cools tube and profile extrusions faster and in less space than immersion tanks.
PipeMaster™ MCVBH Series Pipe Vacuum Tank
Vacuum Tanks Specifically Designed for PipeConair’s PipeMaster MCVBH and MTVBH Series tanks are vacuum tanks specifically designed as a cost-effective solution for the pipe industry.
What makes up the perfect conveying system?
Conair conveying equipment offers efficient material handling from a single loader to complete conveying system. We'll work directly with you to provide the most optimal and efficient solution possible.