Advanced Drying Control
- Built-in material database for easy operation:
- Select the material from list
- Set the required rate
- Dryer performs all calculations necessary
- User Settings can be easily saved
- Smart Mode:
- Adjusts the process air flow
- Protects resin from overdrying
- Increases drying efficiency
- Maintains a constant delta temperature
- Easily view:
- Drying temperature
- Dewpoint
- Airflow
- Operation Status
- Red LED alarm Light
- Remote Control kit
Dessicant Wheel
- Proven desiccant wheel operation
- The cleanest, most efficient drying medium used today. Continuous wheel rotation provides uniform, spike-free drying that is easily monitored
- Gear driven:
- No belt, no chain
- Full process, regeneration, and cooling stages
- Dust-free, bead-free honeycomb desiccant media
- Minimal air flow required:
- Air flow is automatically adjusted to match throughput requirements
- High energy efficient
- Quiet
Inside the Cabinet
- Single-phase electrical connection
- No water or compressed air required
- Compact hopper-mounted package
- Clean, efficient operation
- Easy access for maintenance
- Designed for precision molders and medical production