Consider the support that your primary production equipment requires:
- Resin pellets are fed from a storage silo or surge bin through a conveying system (vacuum pump, control system, valves) to a receiver.
- Then, the resin moves to a gravimetric blender, where it receives the right color and additives, and on to a dryer to remove excess moisture.
- Your IMM’s cooling circuit may rely on multiple components—a central chiller, pump tank, cooling tower, and temperature control unit (TCU).
- And, a granulator is needed to reduce the size of scrap parts so that valuable material can be put back into production.
Smooth-running production demands that all of these—and your molding machines—are running properly. Unexpected failures in any of these components can stop production cold. And, as you know, unscheduled downtime can cost up to 10 times more than scheduled maintenance, due to lost production, overtime, expedited parts and other headaches, not to mention the added stress.
There’s gotta be a better way, right?
MachineHealth™ Assessments
There is. For a lot less than the cost of a single, unexpected breakdown, you can chart a course to increased uptime with the help of a Conair MachineHealth™ assessment. This detailed, hands-on inspection by a certified Conair technician systematically evaluates the condition, functional performance, controls and setpoints, software, energy efficiency, maintenance status, and expected operating life of every piece of Conair equipment in your plant, as well as some select non-Conair products.
The result is more than a detailed report: it’s a roadmap that you and your maintenance team can use to plan, implement, and sustain better efficiency and uptime, with fewer headaches, for every piece of auxiliary equipment. The assessment combines benchmarked auxiliary equipment performance data, equipment specific checklists and specialized measurement tools with the collective maintenance experience of Conair’s service team.
The road to more cost-effective maintenance, higher auxiliary equipment performance, and greater uptime in 2019 can have no better starting point than a MachineHealth assessment:
- First, it sets a clear baseline, objectively defining overall condition, performance, maintenance status (plus any recommended changes), as well as prioritized repair needs for each piece of equipment.
- Second, it refreshes your maintenance knowledge and perspective, giving you or team members a chance to compare notes and review the latest equipment control and optimization strategies with a Conair expert.
- Third, it’s a chance to detail your objectives, establish data collection needs, and set out your Conair-supported maintenance plans for the year ahead.
If you start 2019 with all of your auxiliary equipment in optimal shape, a solid maintenance plan, and a means to document your progress toward performance, budget, and uptime goals, you and your production team will be in a great position for success.
If you’ve got questions – about the MachineHealth assessment or other service or maintenance strategies – Conair has answers. Just drop us a note or give us a call.