Simple, Quiet, Compressed Air Conveying
The compact TLA Tube Loader makes it easy to provide trouble-free loading wherever you need it. Using compressed air, the TLA’s highly efficient venturi draws material from drums, bins or gaylords. From there, the material is pushed to the compact Tube Loader body that can be mounted to virtually any vessel or machine throat.
Using a unique, low maintenance filter assembly, material is separated from the conveying air stream and deposited directly into a bin or machine throat. The wide-open Tube Loader body keeps material flowing without bridging and without a discharge valve common to other types of loaders. A demand sensor tells the TLA when to load and when it is full. Material flow is easily adjusted for throughput, conveying distance and air conservation with the included air-pressure regulator and gauge.
View the full line of self-contained vacuum loaders.
Quiet, minimal maintenance
The TLA uses clean, quiet compressed air to move material.
Simple to install
Mount on hopper lid or directly to machine throat. No flappers or obstructions to consider.
Efficient filter media
The slick, fine-mesh stainless steel “top hat” filter effectively vents compressed air out of the loader, yet resists the accumulation of material dust, minimizing the need for cleaning.