Multi-Hopper Cart

Portable Multiple Drying Hopper Solution

Conair’s Multi-Hopper Cart (MHC) is perfect for easy preparation and movement of press-ready resin. The MHC features Conair’s dependable CH Series mass-flow hoppers on a convenient push cart. The MHC lets material changes take place quickly, cleanly, and safely away from the processing machine.

The MHC can be equipped with up to four hoppers (depending on hopper size). The cart is pre-plumbed and pre-wired (if necessary) with or without heaters at each station, and connects to a Conair dryer to provide superior drying and maximum productivity. For smaller applications, the cart can utilize heat directly from the dryer. A common solid welded manifold system directs the dehumidified air to each hopper, eliminating the possibility of air leaks and wasted energy.

Quick-clean hoppers with superior mass flow

Located within easy operator reach, each hopper includes large clean-out doors, a removable air-diffuser cone. Hopper design assures that all material is evenly exposed to dry air and heat. Funnel flow and material hang-up points are eliminated for superior drying.

100% insulated

From the integrated insulated manifold, to the entire hopper from the base of the cone, to the door, to the full body wrap, the Multi-Hopper Cart is designed to preserve heat and save energy.

Hopper isolation - simple and convenient

Air is turned on and off to each hopper station using individual shut-off valves. Simply shut off the supply and return air manifold from the hopper, and the hopper can be removed from the drying system for clean out, or to save energy when not in use. Isolate a hopper for clean out without shutting down the entire system. Safe. Simple. Foolproof.


Multi Hopper Carts can accommodate up to four drying hoppers, each sized specifically for either multi-machine, long run or single machine, short run operations. The sled is shipped with drying hoppers, optional heaters, dry air manifolds and hopper shutoff valves, pre-assembled for easy installation.

Hopper isolation valve
Hopper Isolation Valves

Allow taking a hopper “off-line” for material clean out or utilization of only part of the hopper cart system.

Hopper slide gate
Hopper Slide Gate Discharge

Prevents material leakage and facilitates hopper draining and clean out.

Removable air diffuser
Removable Air Diffuser

For simple hopper clean out, the air diffuser is removable, allowing complete access to the interior of each hopper.

Solid supply and return manifolds
Solid Supply and Return Manifolds

No air leaks. No contamination or kinked hoses. Better drying.


RTD Probe(s)

Used to automatically reduce the drying temperature to a lower standby mode when the machine throughput is reduced or stopped.

Individual Hopper Heaters

Individual hopper heaters allow for separate drying settings at each hopper.

Model Comparison