Removes Solids From the Cooling System
This uniquely designed media filter is ideal for removing suspended solids in the cooling system.
The special media removes solids down to 0.5 microns. As particulates are removed from the process water, the unit will automatically backflush to self-clean based on time or increasing pressure drop.
Will not corrode
Strong, light modeled fiberglass is rated to 50 psig and will not corrode. Choose your model from a range of sizes. The exclusive distribution system minimizes backwash time.
Pre-assembled piping system
All interconnecting pipe is sturdy schedule 80 PVC. None of the ferrous components are wetted. The pump is bronze with a self priming prestrainer. The pump motor is totally enclosed and fan cooled. The prestrainer can be separately maintained.
Automatic backwashing
Standard flow is from down to up in the media vessel. When the media is clogged the system changes the flow to upward in the media, fluidizing the bed which washes the trapped debris down the drain.