Precise Central Drying Control
Heat Boosters supply economical drying heat to individual drying hoppers for the most efficient material pre-conditioning system available. With a temperature range up to 375°F {191°C}, and a full complement of safety devices, Heat Boosters are exceptional for providing safe, precise temperatures for drying.
The Hopper Temperature Control (HTC) Heat Boosters now feature an icon-driven touch screen display that allows for additional helpful options. Would you like notification that your material is ready for processing? What about Temperature Setback control at the hopper to prevent resin from overdrying? Perhaps best of all – what about Drying Monitor notifications and trending at each hopper? These great features and more are now available within the HTC.
Individual heating units
Allows you to heat hoppers individually for your unique drying needs, and displays setpoint and actual temperatures.
Safe surface temperature
Insulated heater box ensures safe surface temperature.