SmartFLX mini
Sized perfectly for a processor who wants current control technology, that’s simple to use for small localized central conveying systemsConair’s SmartFLX mini is sized perfectly for a processor who wants current control technology, that’s simple to use for small...
SmartFLX Conveying Control
The fastest, smartest control designed specifically for the newest conveying technologySmartFLX is the fastest (6000 times faster to be exact) control ever - designed specifically for today’s newest conveying technology.
ELC-M and ELC-16 Models Controls
Simple-to-Use Pendant for Conveying ControlThe Easy Loading Control offers a simple interface for your conveying system. With the ELC, loading parameter setup can be accomplished with a few simple steps.
RCU Railcar Unloading Control
Manage Bulk-Resin Storage In Up To 30 SilosThe powerful Conair Railcar Unloading (RCU) package integrates control functions for unloading systems, airlocks, valves and more into a single touchscreen display.
What makes up the perfect conveying system?
Conair conveying equipment offers efficient material handling from a single loader to complete conveying system. We'll work directly with you to provide the most optimal and efficient solution possible.